New Years Resolutions.

Raise your hand if you make resolutions EVERY SINGLE YEAR and by mid-January, you’re right back where you started.

Yeah, same.

So this year, instead of “resolutions” per se, I’m focusing more on goals and affirmations for 2018. I’ve divided them up into Etsy biz goals (things I want to accomplish in both of my shops, letterhappy and happytatts), Etsy coaching (providing even more awesome content to help you grow your own Etsy biz), and life goals (centering mostly around healthy habits and mindfulness).



1. More printables inside letterhappy

Way back in 2009, I started my shop with greeting cards and 8x10 prints. At the time, art prints were a huge seller, but the landscape has changed a bit and these days, DIY printables are more in style. I’ve officially changed all of my old print listings over to printables, and I plan to offer many more in 2018. More passive income for me, less printing and packaging time for me, and faster delivery for my customers. Win-win..win!

2. Monthly product launches

I’ve always released products sporadically throughout the year. The scheduled plan for 2018 includes monthly product launches and dedicated creation time. No more designing in my “spare” time. (Psst.. this monthly product launch plan includes 1 new enamel pin each month, and a pin subscription, too!)

3. Trim the fat

This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. It will definitely take some time, but by taking a look through my stats, I’ll be able to tell which listings aren’t performing as well as they should, and either see what I can do to improve them, or cut them loose. While checking my stats for non-performers, I can also identify my best-sellers and create more variations of those.

4. More consistent social media presence

2018 will include an editorial calendar, mainly focused on Instagram and Instagram Stories. It’s my favorite social media app, but more often than not, I find myself consuming content instead of creating it. My Instagram feed is highly curated, so I’m contrasting that with behind the scenes silliness and biz tips on Instagram Stories.


1. Launch Etsy Empire: The Foundation

This is definitely the most exciting thing on the list for 2018! I’ve been working night and day on the most comprehensive Etsy start-up course out there, and I can’t wait to share it with y’all. (If you want to sign up to be the first to know when it launches, you can do that right here!)

2. Weekly Facebook lives

Little nuggets of Etsy biz goodness are coming your way, starting soon! Short and sweet action tips for you to take advantage of, because I know you’re a busy human who needs to get the info and get on with it! Follow my biz page here.

3. Outline and launch advanced Etsy SEO course

The next step to Etsy success is learning how to SEO. I’m already knee deep creating an advanced course as a companion for Etsy Empire: The Foundation. This will be for the serious seller who wants to up his/her game and get into the nooks and crannies of everything Etsy has to offer.


1. Yoga 3-4 times per week

I started practicing yoga in June of last year and I was immediately hooked. I fell off the wagon during November and December (holidays, am I right?) so one of my number one priorities is to make time for it in my schedule no matter what. I go to a local studio less than 5 minutes away from my house, so there’s really no excuse.

2. Meditate 5-7 times per week

I played around with the free version of the Headspace app a little last year, and I can already say with full confidence that at least 10 minutes of meditation per day will do wonders for my mental health. I just recently upgraded to the paid plan, so I’m looking forward to an entire year of mindfulness.

3. Run a 5k and a 10k

I can’t say that I actually enjoy running, and to be honest, I have zero ambition to EVER run anything over a 10k. But I can definitely see (and feel!) the physical difference in my body when I do run regularly, so having a concrete goal to work towards should help keep me on track. I use the Runkeeper app (in conjunction with my Apple Watch) to track my runs.

5. Disney World 3-5x

I’m a proud annual passholder, and it’s no secret that I looooove me some Disney World. Plus, taking the kind of vacation that keeps me constantly moving forces me to unplug from work. (self love and Mickey Mouse for the win!) I’m already planning for 2 trips (one in February to cheer on my best friend as she runs a half marathon, and one in April to stand in another best friend’s wedding) so I’m halfway there!

6. Eat healthier, drink more water, limit Starbucks intake to 2x per week

Okay, this is definitely the most resolution-y of my “resolutions”. To be honest, I’m not generally an unhealthy eater, I really only drink water and coffee (no soft drinks for this girl!), and I’m not even an every-single-day Starbucks junkie. But I could stand to make healthier choices more often, drink way more water, and cut down on the $5 drinks. Not only will it be better for me, it will save a pretty good chunk of change.

Alright, y’all. Keep me accountable. Come hang out with me on Instagram or leave a comment below and let’s chat about YOUR resolutions, goals, and affirmations for 2018!

Is one of your 2018 goals to finally open up that dream Etsy biz? Snag my FREE guide to opening up an Etsy shop in 3 simple steps and let me help you make that happen!

*Links to Headspace and Runkeeper are affiliate links, which means if you decide to click and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. I have not been compensated for any opinions shared above, and will never share anything that I don't actually use myself or highly recommend.