On Etsy, the more items you have for sale in your shop, the more chances you have to be found in search. That way, if you’ve positioned yourself correctly, shoppers will come across your items on multiple pages instead of just once or twice. I definitely don’t recommend overwhelming yourself or listing more than you can handle just for the sake of having lots of listings, but here are a few ways to expand your product line without any additional stress.


1. Listen to your customers

What kinds of things are your customers requesting from you? I have had great success with this particular method inside happytatts, since buyers are constantly requesting custom tattoo designs. If they’re asking you to create something they don’t see in your shop, chances are they haven’t found it anywhere else either. Additionally, if they’re searching for it, other potential buyers probably are, too. Take some of your favorite custom requests and turn them into permanent listings inside your shop.

2. Make more variations of your best sellers

Do you have one particular listing that seems to be your best seller? Are you able to offer it in additional variations? Perhaps a new color, texture, pattern, or size? List each new variation as a brand new listing, or use listing variations inside your current listing to give your customers more options.

3. Divide out current listing variations

This actually ties in to #2 and is used as a method to create more listings from what you already have. Variations are a wonderful tool to combine all of your offerings into one listing and give your customers the ability to choose their own options at checkout, but it also takes away the opportunity for multiple listings. I suggest having one listing with variations included and multiple stand-alone listings of those same variations. This also allows you to play around with different keywords and phrases in each listing to get more eyes on your goodies.

So, what kinds of new products will you be adding to your Etsy shop in 2018? Let me know in the comments below!

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