For most of my adult life, I’ve been self-conscious about my smile.

Way back in 8th grade when I got my braces off, permanent retainers and clear, unobtrusive aligners weren’t quite a thing yet. Wearing a big bulky wire with a pink plastic piece that covered the roof of my mouth was even WORSE than being the awkward BraceFace I’d been for the past year and a half. I could barely talk with it in, and it affected my sleep so much that I would wake up with a sore throat every morning. I eventually stopped wearing it, because it was too much of a hassle, and 8th grade Christen was so not in the mood to be bothered with all that mess.

Fast forward a few years, and my wisdom teeth decided to do the very un-wise job of coming in HORIZONTALLY (thanks, guys), pushing my front teeth out and crowding my already small mouth. I had them forcibly and painfully removed after college, but the damage to my smile was already done.


Fixing my teeth has been on my to-do list for YEARS now, but I honestly thought my only option was a full set of braces. “Um, yes, sir.. I’d like to look thirteen again, thanks.” said no one ever. Braces are super expensive, time-consuming, and let’s be honest.. downright awkward (and Lord knows, I don’t need any help in that department).

That’s why I absolutely JUMPED at the chance to work with SnapCorrect, especially once I figured out how easy and quick it was to get started.

Step one: request an impression kit, make a few molds of your choppers, and send them back in. Step two: get a treatment plan (see mine below!), and be prepared to shed a few tears when you see how awesome your teeth will look once you’re done. Step three: GETCHU THAT PERFECT SMILE.


Depending on your current smile situation, your treatment plan time may vary, but I’m going from before to after in just NINE MONTHS. That’s a fraction of the time braces would take (and at a fraction of the cost, too)! My full SnapCorrect journey is being documented over on Instagram, and you can find the saved story highlight on my profile. I’ll be posting regular updates here on the blog as well, so you can see the full progression as it happens.


If a straighter smile has been on your neverending to-do list, head over to SnapCorrect and use the code SNAPCHRISTENKIT for 60% off your impression kit.

Then, once the awesome SnapCorrect team has created a specialized treatment plan just for you, you can use the code SNAPCHRISTEN for $250 off your aligners!

The fine print: I am currently partnering with SnapCorrect to straighten my smile, but all opinions are strictly my own. If you use my codes, I may receive a small commission, which helps me keep awesome content coming your way.